Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bedtime stories. For me.

Before I go to bed I tell myself a story. Helps me fall asleep. While in Haiti my stories have been two. My room here is small, its walls are cracked and the door does not close properly.
So the first story is that I am a prisoner of war. But they know that I would hold up under torture so well that they can't risk it. My information is too valuable, and if I should die they would surely lose their advantage over the other side. I am dearly wanted back by my comrades, so I am being kept for ransom, living off of nothing but rats I catch through a hole I dug with my own hairpin. I eventually die of rabies. Both fighting sides are beside themselves with grief.
(Okay just so you know, there are absolutely no rats in my room here. Let's get that straight.)
My room here is also complete with a very nice mosquito net, and a fantastic fan. Not to mention a beautiful, decorative rug. So my other story is that I am a princess. The fan is my servant boy waving a palm leaf. And upon waking I am fed chilled orange slices. I marry a rich sultan and live a long, beautiful life. Even after I die, they say that I am the most beautiful queen our kingdom ever had.
I'm now considering melding the two stories together.
A princess, captured by her father's enemy, but far too beautiful to kill. So I am kept in a perfect room at the top of a tower, with a view of the entire city. My father's enemy, a great king, has fallen madly in love with me and has asked for my hand in marriage. I refuse, and spend the rest of eternity gazing over the city that could have been mine.
Something to that effect.
I'll head over to CHOAIDS in about an hour and visit with the kidlets.
It's been slightly cooler at nights lately. Last night the power went out and my fan stopped. I didn't even notice.
I've been feeling much better. The cool(ish) air is doing me good.
We've all been keeping track of the on goings in the slum. Trying to assess when it will be unsafe to leave the compound aka hostel. We're guarded here 24/7 and have a seven foot wall topped with razor wire. The gate is a giant metal thing with a tiny peep hole so you can spy on people outside before you left them in.
Okay I just itched a bug bite until my skin was raw. That was really dumb. Better put on some long pants.
I'll write again this afternoon.


  1. This blog had your Dad and I laughing out loud. That is until the part about the upcoming unrest, the razor wire and the bug bite. Love that you keep us all updated on your life there. Love you too!

  2. Hahaha...what wonderful bedtime comforting and sweet!!!
